Los mensajes que tiene controlados la API y mandamos como respuesta son los siguientes:

CodeMesagge error
INVALID_CREDENTIALSYour credentials are invalid.
INCOMPLETE_ADDRESSAddress must be contained street, external number and zipcode.
STORE_NOT_EXISTThe store does not exist.
OUT_OF_BALANCEThe account does not enough balance for this transaction.
OUT_OF_COVERAGEDropoff zip code is out of coverage area.
DELIVERY_NOT_EXISTDelivery not found with the identifier provided.
LABEL_ERRORLabel generation error.
INVALID_ADDRESSLocation is invalid, please sure to include a valid address.
INVALID_CLIENT_TYPEClient cannot process orders of this type of business.
DEACTIVATED_CLIENTDeactivated client, cannot create delivery orders.
DEACTIVATED_CLIENT_OUT_PAYMENTDeactivated client by out of payment, cannot create delivery orders.
UNAUTHORIZEDToken expired or invalid format.
INVALID_PICKUPPickup location is invalid, please sure to include a valid address.
INVALID_DROPOFFDropoff location is invalid, please sure to include a valid address.
INVALID_TYPEThe delivery type is inavlid.
CREATION_LIMITClient reach package creation limit.

Ejemplo de response

    code: 'INVALID_ADDRESS',
    message: 'Location is invalid, please sure to include a valid address'