En que link solicito las keys para consumir la API
Hola buen dia,
Posted by Aldo Montoya 10 months ago
¿Qué tipos de envíos están disponibles? ¿Cuál es la nomenclatura?
A la hora de realizar un envío se debe completar el campo "type", cual es la nomenclatura correcta.
Posted by Aylen Baruj almost 3 years ago
Is there a way to read older api versions documentation?
I need to work with an older version of the API (I know that is not recommended), but I can't seem to find any documentation about it, It would be greatly appreciated if I could be redirected as to where I would read about it
Posted by Hector Osuna about 3 years ago
Guide Format
How can I get my label in ZPL format?
Posted by Ramya QS over 3 years ago